Making up Me

 Memories of my childhood
 Such as they are
 Are delicately preserved
 In a mind warped jar

 Comprised of scraps
 Of shards and clippings
 Of disconnected rememberings

 Coming home from school
 Greeted by the promise of gravy-laden food
 Begging for a taste with bread 
 The sound of the a football match
 Drifting up from the TV to me in bed

 Family arriving to visit in the lounge
 Lingering on the landing to the sounds
 Of everyone arriving and stowing coats and hats
 Sure of hugs and exclamations to come after that

 Jokes over the dining table
 Helping to clear up
 Much less than I was able

 Getting extra credit 
 For helping in the kitchen
 The best moments
 The ones spent together preparing
 A childhood filled with love, with caring.

 With careful choices and sometimes raised voices.
 With kisses and terms of endearment
 And with all the encouragement 
 Needed to feed a growing girl
 For 18 years this was my world
 Safe familiar, secure provided for.

 Not videoed minute by minute
 No scrapbook with everything in it
 No Facebook page coming of age
 No instagram feed 
 No story to read 
 But strands of every memory 
 Making up me.