That was fun Those unexpected coffees in the sun Some belly laughs while you were on the run This was fine A gift of time An in between moment became mine This was ours Planting seeds and flowers Watching telly after hours That was good Laughing at stupid jokes Because we could You were home Meals on the sofa Not chats on the phone You were here Upstairs working Where I could hear You, loud and clear With me near Trying not to interfere A new trio was born And I'll attempt Not to be forlorn Rather, to thank My lucky stars For this shared time of ours.
En Famille
I woke up this morning feeling fortunate A new fortune amassed over the weekend A weekend of moments with you two Laughter and music, safely stored in my memory bank Nothing is more precious to me Nothing more worthwhile Than these hours of complicity We three Or others there peripherally or permanently The goodness of that free time shared makes me wealthy Your voices collect interest in my memory Your words hang like priceless art in my mind's eye I start my week adorned with the rare jewels of happiness What an investment! A weekend together en famille.
What have you got?
You wonder what you want, What you desire, To what you aspire. You ask what you will need, To leave the vacuum That you assume Why not Take stock Of what you’ve got Of what is here, now for the taking? Look around you To see those who Are not faking. Who need no reminding, Who are still finding, In you, Enough.