Who wants a lift

Who wants a lift
When you can do this
When you can take a whiff 
Of the scents of leaves underfoot
When you can sniff the air
Feel the softest breath of the breeze on your skin
Feet sinking into soft pathways
Freshly made by the morning rain

For too long I didn't know 
Nothing is better than a slow stroll 
Close to the river's ebb and flow 
A tree canopy so close it looks like a stroke 
Of green feather dusters 
wiping the sky clean
Of clouds 
It's sharp blue astonishing 
Clear of all but the yellow rays of sun
Reflected artfully in window panes 
Duplicated on the rippled surface
Glimpsed between dancing plants
As I glance 
On my way past, in rapt attention. 

A case of knowledge

Is chat GPT bad at poetry or is it me?
Does it have to rhyme to record my feelings
at one time or another
To track what was important,
like an I woz ere graffiti from the 80's
 AI IS here
accelerating what we now know, 
exacerbating my nostalgia,
for an era we once knew,
a slow time.
When you’d simultaneously press play and record hearing that song you liked on the radio
 that clunk summed it up
the clumsy effort, to be rewarded with a proper play back loop
Not a fake feedback loop
Back when scarcity of information and an itch for knowledge made us visit the library 
to use microfiche
green writing filling a screen full of satisfying curiosities.
Searching shelf by shelf to get knowledge
Following the clues all the way to the copy machine
The world was in a book
The world book
A case of knowledge,
we took the time to digest.
A slow life to be lived
whilst gently polluting as if we knew nothing of it.

What have you got?

You wonder what you want,
What you desire,
To what you aspire.
You ask what you will need,
To leave the vacuum
That you assume

Why not
Take stock
Of what you’ve got

Of what is here, now for the taking?

Look around you
To see those who
Are not faking.
Who need no reminding,
Who are still finding,
In you,



Why do you who,
Makes flowers grow from words

Why do you who,
Shapes graceful gardens
in paragraphs

Why do you whose,
majestic rivers of rhyme
Flow, Just so

Why do you,
landscaper of ideas, hold on
To your feelings, and fears

As the breeze blows in on the air
So we grow from worries shared

To free your mind from many cares
Let go of your balloon of fears,
And watch it as they disappear,
Dispersing dandelion clocks

Tied up in knots inside and locked,
From outside wisdom closed and blocked,
Your worries start to take control
They take up space they growl they grow.

So open up and let them go
And no more seeds of sadness sew
To grow into weeds of your anxieties.

Instead, favored with air
fair weather
Light as a feather
Cut free
You will blossom
As yours is genius beauty and creativity.

To Do.

Much to do
Many tasks
Doing all, that
'To do list' asks

Listing forgotten
Things all night
Tense, and preoccupied
Drinking coffee, Nerves fried

For what?

I’ve tried.

Tick things off
More appear

It’s now, I’m here,
But not present
I’m off in my head.
To what end its not clear.

One Day Of Rain

One day of rain
And everything had changed
Not wanting to complain
But seeing nothing was the same
I turned to a new page 

Through milk bottle bottom lenses
No longer sure of what I saw
I'd misunderstood what was intended
knocked to the ground
By the ungrateful crowd
Who'd booed without a sound 

I'll count my blessings
Say I've learned new lessons
Wait for the next rays of human kindness
To cure my temporary blindness

The details you’re not seeing.

Catch an elusive moment
As a wisp of smoke
Grasped between your fingers 
While on the air afloat

 A concentrated flavour
 To taste to feel to savour
 A satisfying potion
 To stop time in its motion
 The tastiest bite of peach
 Gives way beneath your teeth
 The darkest chocolate piece
 Its bittersweet released
 That moment sun hits skin
 You feel the place you're in
 Come on and close your eyes
 Don’t let this chance slip by
 The very music of your being
 Is in the details you’re not seeing.   

Early Hours

Unsaid unsung unseen
Such hidden fears play out in the deepest hour of my sleep
On the mind’s eye cinema screen
To leave a lasting daylight question mark
When daylight finally might
Deign to compete with this phone so artificially bright
In my hands a fountain of other scenes to distract from what has not been

Waking in the early hours slowly emerging from a cloying nightmare
Leaving a snail trail of still real-seeming storyline
The phones’ dimmed but still too bright light guides me back
A beacon of real preoccupation to distract
From the lurking fears brought to life in cinematic deep sleep
To the real yet unreal lives of other people
From the half strangers still posting on my feeds
To the real strangers’ Times’ reported deeds
Stories to distract from the dread acted out at night inside my head.


Making up Me

 Memories of my childhood
 Such as they are
 Are delicately preserved
 In a mind warped jar

 Comprised of scraps
 Of shards and clippings
 Of disconnected rememberings

 Coming home from school
 Greeted by the promise of gravy-laden food
 Begging for a taste with bread 
 The sound of the a football match
 Drifting up from the TV to me in bed

 Family arriving to visit in the lounge
 Lingering on the landing to the sounds
 Of everyone arriving and stowing coats and hats
 Sure of hugs and exclamations to come after that

 Jokes over the dining table
 Helping to clear up
 Much less than I was able

 Getting extra credit 
 For helping in the kitchen
 The best moments
 The ones spent together preparing
 A childhood filled with love, with caring.

 With careful choices and sometimes raised voices.
 With kisses and terms of endearment
 And with all the encouragement 
 Needed to feed a growing girl
 For 18 years this was my world
 Safe familiar, secure provided for.

 Not videoed minute by minute
 No scrapbook with everything in it
 No Facebook page coming of age
 No instagram feed 
 No story to read 
 But strands of every memory 
 Making up me. 

What I can’t control


 So much of what I can’t control 
 is what is what makes me anguish or 
 what makes me whole 
 what steals away serenity
 what ties me down what makes me free 
 what makes me feel I cannot cope 
 what feeds my fear what gives me hope 
 what makes some memories live on 
 what makes me angry what makes me strong 
 what makes me lie awake at night 
 what makes me wrong what makes me right
 what makes me know I can believe 
 what makes me stay what makes me leave
 what gives me reason to be proud
 what makes me go quiet what makes me get loud 

 I can’t control each tiny part 
 of life’s enormous work of art.

 Far better then learn to adapt. 
 You can control how you react.